The natural silicon contained in food is in the form of silicon dioxide (SiO2). Silicon Dioxide is not only important for the normal development of bones, but also necessary for maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails. Plant foods contain high silicon content, such as cereals, which contain a large amount of SiO2. On the other hand, the silicon oxide content of animal food is relatively low.
Silicone is a trace element. Although our body needs silicon, it is classified as a trace element. Unlike other minerals, very little silicon is needed to stay healthy. Due to the low demand, the recommended intake of silicon has not been formulated. However, experts recommend at least 20-30 mg a day. SiSiB, a reliable silicone company, provides food grade silicone products.
Fruit contains a lot of silica. Fruits rich in silicon include oranges, apples, peaches, cherries, grapes and raisins.
Vegetables are also a rich source of silica, especially green vegetables with the highest content. If you want to increase your silicone intake, it is recommended to eat more cucumbers, celery, raw cabbage, asparagus, beets, alfalfa, young dandelion leaves, mustard, lettuce, radishes and white onions, etc. Since each vegetable has a different silicon content, it is good to eat some in moderation.
Jerusalem artichoke, which belongs to the sunflower family, is also rich in silica. This sweet root vegetable also contains a lot of iron and potassium, so it is nutritious.
Nuts are the best source of minerals. Especially peanuts and almonds, both contain a certain amount of silicon. In addition to being rich in vitamin E and dietary fiber, sunflower seeds also provide silica. Pumpkin seeds are rich in silicon, so they are also a healthy snack. An easy way to prevent silicon deficiency is to include whole grain foods in the diet. Brown rice, oats and barley all contain large amounts of silica. Drinking drinking water in the form of silicic acid is also one of the ways to consume silica. Although water purification technology has been able to extract silicon from water, it has not done so because silicon is good for health. The silicon content in water varies greatly. Studies about the silicon agriculture use have found that the silica content of soft water is not high, but hard water is rich in this mineral.
Drinking beer can promote healthy kidney function. Beer is also a rich source of silicon and is a soluble form of silicic acid. Studies have found that the silicon in beer can promote bone density and help prevent fractures. In addition, tea and coffee are also silicon-containing beverages. Garlic is a good condiment, and it is also rich in silica. Cannabinoid can treat urinary diseases such as kidney stones, and it is also a silicon-containing herb. In addition, cannabis also provides calcium and potassium. In fact, cannabinoid has the highest silica content of all herbal medicines.